A native southern West Virginian with a passion for prevention, Greg Puckett has worked tirelessly to bring special projects and initiatives to the area in the hopes of preventing the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs amongst youth. In 2001, he began serving as Director for the Mercer County Drug Free Community Support Program, a special initiative of Community Connections Inc. Together with community partners from the local community anti-drug coalition, he has been successful in reaching across county and state lines to help guide the prevention process. He led the charge to support funding for Teen Courts throughout West Virginia and has advocated for the establishment of Local Coordinating Councils in every county. Most recently, he coordinated bi-partisan support at the state level to support mental health awareness and pass legislation supporting the 988 Crisis lifeline and has been a staunch supporter of expansion of clean air policies from second hand smoke and vape.
As Executive Director of Community Connections, he continually advocates for strong public policy and leads others to combat the opioid epidemic and community revitalization/stabilization efforts. He currently serves on several state committees including the Governor’s Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Corrections: Juvenile Justice Subcommittee, the WV Tobacco and Cessation TaskForce, the WV Tobacco Taskforce, the state Public Health Advisory Committee, and has previously served on the Board and Advisory Committee of the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), where he is a past recipient of CADCA’s National Advocate of the Year award. In 2010, Puckett also assisted CADCA in securing funds to host the first-ever, statewide National Youth Leadership Initiative (a movement that changed how youth are educated and view environmental strategies in communities across the US).
In his role as County Commissioner in Mercer County, Greg has encouraged reinvestment with its local community mental health system and diversifying funding to combat the Hepatitis B/C and HIV problems due largely to the health emergency left by the drug problems in the area. Since being elected in 2014, the Commission has invested millions of dollars into its local infrastructure, parks and recreation department, and courthouse improvement strategies. They have reinvested funding to its local community mental health system and under Puckett’s leadership, the Commission also placed a heavy emphasis on the county’s litter problem and has been awarded over $2.25M by the WV Department of Environmental Protection for its community based, award winning “Keep Mercer Clean” and incredibly successful dilapidated structures initiative.
In addition, he currently serves on the Board of the National Association of Counties (NACO) Board of Directors and is Ex- Officio Chair of the National Rural Action Caucus. He has served as one of only ten county officials on the National Opioid Taskforce, and is on their policy team as Vice Chair of the Healthy Counties initiative, Juvenile Justice and Arts and Culture Subcommittee, the Arts and Culture Subcommittee, Economic Mobility and Coal Communities Resiliency teams, among others.
Greg is a long-time advocate for effective policy change at the local, state and federal level. He works in close partnership with Federal Legislators and other national organizations such as SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) to carry out a host of national initiatives and pilot programs, and is a long-time advocate for effective policy change at the local, state and federal level. In 2020, he was awarded the Louis Gorin Award for Outstanding Leadership in Health Education from the National Rural Health Association and currently serves on the Rural Justice Collaborative, a partnership with the Bureau of Justice Assistance; teaching rural communities the value of a prevention framework and how to create sustainable programs and practices. He was also awarded the National County Leadership in the Arts award from the Americans for the Arts, and continues to advocate for greater investment for all communities.
For the past decade, he has traveled throughout the United States to train communities on community sustainability and locally has worked with funders from the Benedum Foundation, the Appalachian Regional Commission, and others to revitalize his hometown of Princeton, West Virginia. Through the “Princeton Renaissance Project” the group has been actively using culturally effective change strategies to leverage over $1.8M in community donations to revitalize its local downtown theater. The project is also a community engine to reduce substance abuse, reinvigorate hope in its young people, and engage the future, while embracing its past.
He is the father of two children, Lauren and Joseph, who keep him dedicated to making positive changes and leaving a legacy for the next generation to follow.