The "Anti-Drug Bug" is a Community Connections initiative intended to encourage a drug-free lifestyle and inform WV communities of the benefits of being drug-free.

At Community Connections, preventing substance use in WV communities is one of our primary missions. All of our prevention work is informed by the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), a data-driven process that helps organizations assess and plan prevention-based efforts according to their community's needs.
Located on the front and the back of the Anti-Drug Bug are SPF "flowers" (pictured right), which outline the components of​
the Strategic Prevention Framework: Assessment, Capacity, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Sustainability, and Cultural Competence. While the elements of the SPF are vital to prevention efforts, the importance of these concepts transcends prevention work. Before making any decision for yourself, your family, your workplace, or community, it is vital to assess what is needed, determine what your capacity for change is, plan your process, implement that process, and evaluate if you were successful. In addition, it is important to ask at every stage if your process is sustainable long-term, and if it is culturally informed and appropriate. Using this framework empowers the decision-making process with information and tools to assess efficacy.
For more information on the Strategic Prevention Framework and how to "SPF your life", click the SPF flower on the right side of the page.
For resources related to substance use, treatment, and recovery, see below.